What a Wonderful World

Nici Jost (Switzerland; Canada), Andreas Bauer (Germany), Tom Fellner (USA/CH), Georgine Ingold (Switzerland)

The Erika Deak Gallery is delighted to announce its next exhibition, in collaboration with the Basel based balzerArtproject. Nici Jost (Switzerland; Canada), Andreas Bauer (Germany), Tom Fellner (USA/CH) and Georgine Ingold (Switzerland) going to show their most recent works in an exhibition entitled What a Wonderful World. The artists themselves proposed the title as their work questions the political and economic reality of our times.

The exhibition is based on socio-political circumstances and contingencies of society where artists deal with space, architecture, facts and fiction in the context of phenomena of power and seduction. Furthermore, the exhibition is an investigation in how much the viewer is or can be involved and consequently seduced into exploring the spaces and ideas behind individual works. The works are aimed at creating a solution-oriented narrative without proposing concrete solutions. Instead, their work centers around proposing strategies which can be developed further by the viewer. All four artists generate a continuum between our here and now, our space and time and the time and space of others.

Tom Fellner’s (*1956) contrasts the intellectual, introspective reflection of his non-objective positions with the subversive language of popular culture. Fellner’s subject matter is complex, humorous, and his choice of color Neo-Expressionist. While experimenting with watercolor, over-painting, collages and art historical references, he remains grounded in the principles of conceptual painting.

Andreas Bauer’s (*1980) current work is largely paper-based. Parallel to his photography, he builds sculptures with architectural and other magazines, fantasy fiction comics and books in general. While creating surreal urban landscapes, he redefines space/ environment/ landscape/ human surroundings by dissecting the human and urban matrix, aiming at a “deconstruction of urban spaces”. His latest projects involve the re-definition of metropolitan subway maps and technology magazines.  The resulting 2D and 3D work are intricate, vertical labyrinths of wild narratives and fantasy scenarios - they function as inquiries into the way we live, interact and shape our urban and sub-urban environments.

Nici Jost’s (*1984) new work transforms objects commonly found, their existence – "taken for granted" and never really acknowledged - into unexpected forms.  With audiovisual displays placed inside the objects, she exposes the scientific and spiritual potency of these seemingly humble things. Her new works and photographs freely traverse the myriad paths of human expression, desires, dreams and wishes in physical manifestations.

Georgine Ingold (*1965) has a passion for beauty in people, objects and landscapes - from the elevated to the everyday. Her passion, at least until recently, was film in all shapes and forms – movie classics, Western and contemporary art cinema, but also popular “téle-novellas” and TV-series. Now, she is concentrating mostly on small landscape painting depicting Swiss mountain and lake vistas.

05. 03. 2013 - 06. 11. 2013

+36 1 201 3740

Szerda-Péntek 12:00 - 18:00
