Tibor iski Kocsis 
Parallel Events

iski Kocsis now continues his research on the relationship of visuality and conceptuality,  his present exhibition focuses on the different modes of mapping reality.

On his new paintings and drawings iski Kocsis depicts nature untouched by humans.  His very detailed and accurate nature studies are regular landscapes at first, but as one takes a closer look, they rather seem memories, something unearthly, something one only sees in a dream.  Giant trees and bushes, roots that lead beyond the gound underneath, waves of romantic storms appear, the site isn’t at all calm but disturbing. He studies his subjects with great attention, which is most apparent in his miniature drawings that accompany each large size drawings.  It is the same thought twice, the same topic and the same concentration twice, except in a different scale.  iski Kocsis continuously comes back to the topic of studying the notion painterly, of investigating the most suitable modes of representation to a given subject.

Tibor iski Kocsis graduated in the Hungarian Fine Art University in 2001. He had numerous Hungarian and international exhibitions and his works are in most important Hungarian collections.

04. 06. 2012 - 05. 05. 2012

+36 1 201 3740

Szerda-Péntek 12:00 - 18:00
