On Paper

József Bullás, Kitti Gosztola, IRWIN, Tibor iski Kocsis, Csaba Kis Róka, Éva Magyarósi, Zsuzsa Moizer, Márton Nemes, Svatopluk Mikyta, Gábor Pintér, Kamilla Szíj, Attila Szűcs, Alexander Tinei

The Erika Deak Gallery will exhibit a diverse selection of paperworks throught the works of 13 contemporary artists. The 13 artists work with different techniques, ink, pen, aquarell, oil, graphite and pencildrawings, collages and prints will be exhibited. The theme of the 13 works are different as well, personal stories, surreal and analitical drawings, abstract color and form harmonies, and as well investigations of historical and contemporary art practices will be shown in the exhibition.

2014. 05. 09. - 2014. 06. 07.


+36 1 201 3740

Szerda-Péntek 12:00 - 18:00
