Andrea Tivadar

(1991, Satu Mare, Romania)

About the Artist
Andrea Tivadar finished her studies at the University of Arts and Design in Cluj Napoca, Romania. She represents the new way of abstract expressionism. Her spectacular large scale canvases are breezy, but controlled at the same time. She is inspired by modernist traditions, but she already developed her own language. She contrast the formal elements with exploited, seemingly uncontrolled parts. The paintings operates with forms, structures and vivid colours, level our interest into the egsitencial space of virtuality.
Selected Solo Exhibition
Abstract fluidity, Estopia Art Gallery, Bukarest

Networking, The Room-Art andDEsign Studios-Seabam, Bukarest

Networks, Expo Maraton, Casa Matei, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Selected Group Exhibition
Playful, Erika Deak Gallery, Budapest

When the Globe Is Home, Gallerie delle Prigioni, Treviso, Italy

Imaginea – pictură. Despre ieșirea în „realitate”, Bistrița – Năsăud Museum
Imaginea – pictură. Despre ieșirea în „realitate”, Quadro Gallery, Cluj - Napoca
Meanwhile in Painting, Budapest Galéria, Budapest, Hungary

Breaking Rules, Museum of Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
The New Tenant, Centrul de Interes, Cluj – Napoca, Romania

T.A.N.G.O. Turning Art Now Gliding Over, Galeria za Szkłem, Wrocław, Poland
Vizualia, National Student Festival, 2nd edition, Casa de Cultură a Studenților, Cluj –Napoca Romania
DIY (Do It Yourself), Gara Mică Cultural Space, Cluj – Napoca, Romania
Tra segno e colore, Accademia di Romania in Roma, Roma, Italy
The Existential Space of Virtuality, Deák Erika Galéria, Budapest

Black & White Biennale, 4th edition, Satu-Mare Museum, Satu-Mare
Expressionist Introspections, Minerva Gallery, Cluj - Napoca, Romania
System Error, Museum of Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Out There – Travelling without Moving, Projekt Galéria, Budapest , Hungary
Beyond the Obvious – Contemporary Women Artists from Central Europe, Deak Erika Gallery, Budapest
StartPointPrize, Victoria Art Center, Bucharest, Romania
T.A.N.G.O, Museum of Art, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Wild Awake, Lateral Art Space, Paintbrush Factory, Cluj - Napoca
+36 1 201 3740

Szerda-Péntek 12:00 - 18:00
