László László Révész

(1957-2021, Budapest, HU)

Hungarian Academy of Applied Arts, animation department, Budapest, HU

Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, painter department, Ignác Kokas's mastreclass, Budapest, HU
About the Artist
László László Révész is difficult to categorise as a visual artist: he was first and foremost a figurative painter, but also a performer, video artist and a leading art teacher. Born in Budapest in 1957, his mother was an optician and his father a mechanical engineer. Performativity was a dominant feature of his childhood: his parents were striving for a career in the theatre, they had actor friends, they regularly went to the Opera; as a first year of high school he had already seen a Peter Brook play. His first experiments in performance were also in high school. In 1979, while attending Ignác Kokas’s painting class at the Academy of Fine Arts, he gave performances together with András Böröcz. The duo defined the Hungarian art scene of the 1980s as the „theatre of painters” and became internationally significant, being invited to participate in the performance section of the eighth documenta in Kassel, among others. In parallel to his studies in painting, he was a member of the INDIGO group led by Miklós Erdély, and from 1983 he was a student of Marcell Jankovics at the College of Applied Arts, majoring in animation. At the University of Fine Arts, he was head of department from 2009, and between 2013 and 2015 he created two performances with high school students in his experimental art troupe.

As much as his thinking was intertwined with the theatre, he was also deeply interested in mediatised reality. He was already up to date with computers in the seventies. In the mid-eighties he made his first computer graphics, in which he explored the significance of the computer for the image - a theme he also took up in parallel in his painting. Also in the early eighties, he began making experimental films. In the early nineties, he experimented with the most modern techniques in his animations, and in the twenties he made interactive installations. Already in the early years of his career, his attention was exceptionally wide-ranging, and this thinking on several levels remained the foundation of his creative career: he opened his painting exhibitions with a performance reflecting on the exhibition, and he repeatedly exhibited his works in different media in a coherent installation. He was a painter, but his painting cannot be approached without considering how much else he created outside the medium of painting - all this is constantly intertwining.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Big Picture, Erika Deák Gallery, Budapest, HU
Gulli Vera, Liget Gallery, Budapest, HU
Gap stories, video screening at MUSA, Vienna, A
'My Sky, My Sixties', Kiscelli Múzeum, Budapest, HU
Poppies on the Palatinus, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, HU
Tudomásulvétel, Kiállítási Csarnok-Műcsarnok, Budapest, HU
Selected Group Exhibition
Intrigantes incertitudes, Muse des Art Moderne, Sant Etienne, France
Meantime, Zwischenzeit, Eközben, Fuga, Budapest, Hungary
TIME IS LOVE, 6 Sazmanab Platform for Contemporary Arts, Teheran, Iran
10th Art Stays Festival - DISPLAY - Europe pavilion, ECC Maribor 2012, Ptuj, Slovenia
OK.Video FLESH 5th Jakarta International Video Festival, Indonesia UnaVisita, Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, Torino, Italy
Fragile, The Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejon, South-Korea
Central Europe Revisited II, Esterhazy Palace, Eisenstadt, Austria
Micro Narratives, Musée d'Art Moderne, Saint-Etienne, France
The Giving Person, Palazzo delleArti, Naples, ItalyConflict, Slought Foundation, Philadelphia, USA
Brooklyn Euphoria, Volume, NYC, USA
Aura, Millenáris, Budapest, Hungary
Bildbetrachtung, H. Quinque-Wessels, Berlin, Germany
The Butterfly Effect, SCCA Annual Exhibition, Műcsarnok, Budapest, Hungary
24e Festival International de la Peinture, Chateau-Musee de Cagnes-Sur- Mer, France
Dawn, documenta8, Kassel, Germany
Prizes, Scholarships
Mihály Munkácsy Prize
E.M.A.R.E. scholarship, Werkleitz
Eötvös Scholarship, San Francisco-New York
Collegium Hungaricum Rome scholarship
Meryll-Hart Prize, Los Angeles
Smohay Prize
Digitart National Computergraphics Festival, Budapest, II. prize
Canada Council, Visiting Artist
Gyula Derkovits Scholarship
Works in Public Collections
Ludwig Museum, Budapest, HU
Lentos Museum, Linz, A
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, HU
The Zine Collection at the London College of Communication Library, London, UK
C3 Centre for Culture &Communication Foundation, Budapest, HU
István Csók Gallery, Székesfehérvár, HU
Munkácsy Museum, Békéscsaba, HU
Petőfi Literature Museum, Budapest, HU

+36 1 201 3740

Szerda-Péntek 12:00 - 18:00
