Gábor Pintér
Flies Always Tries to Escape Through Closed Windows After the Big Ideas

On the opening day, on September 22nd at 6 PM the Sándor Hornyik art historian talks with the artist.

The Erika Deák Gallery is delighted to exhibit the most recent paintings of Gábor Pintér, and as well to launch his long awaited, first catalogue published by the gallery.

„Whatever space or cultural space-time, or chronotope he moves around in, it is of fundamental importance to Pintér that the space of the image and the role of the figures within should not be easy to decipher and verbalise. It is not incidental that after Malevich’s peasants and Magritte’s bourgeoisie, Pintér paints socio-culturally uncategorizable, not easily identifiable figures having fun, relaxing and taking it easy, allowing for associations from art deco to graffiti, while, contradicting light entertainment, the figures and the motifs reflect on very serious epistemological problems. The easy-going figures, the funny visual elements and puns are elevated from the registers of paraphrase, pastiche and parody by post-formalist reflection, that is, the process of the creation of the image, of the visualisation of the idea, as Pintér himself takes the painterly process of visual and spatial construction very seriously. He carefully plans his cold, mixed colour harmonies and always takes the space-forming effect of lines and gestures into consideration as well as the perception of motifs. It seems as though Pintér was roaming the remarkably complex space that lies between reality and the painted image, the space that is the (abstract) field of vision, which might as well be called visuality, as it is mostly filled by visual entities, perceptions, mental images, memories, fantasies and ideas. Gábor Pintér essentially reflects on the way our mind functions and examines the way cognition works, the nature of psychological and mental reality and of course its relation to real nature and the tangible world.”

Sándor Hornyik

The exhibition and the catalogue accompanying the exhibition were supported by the National Cultural Fund of Hungary. The 3D virtual tour of the exhibition, as well as the entire image documentation, will be available on the gallery's website as well as on our social media platforms, and can be visited during opening hours, in compliance with safety regulations.

If you need more information on the artist or the exhibition, please contact us by email.


Opening: September 22, 2021, Wednesday 6 PM

On view: September 23 - October 8, 2021

Opening hours: Wednesday-Friday, 12-18 PM

+36 1 201 3740

Szerda-Péntek 12:00 - 18:00
