Vitaly Pushnitsky

Pushnitsky is one of the most renowned Russian artists of his generation, and this is his third exhibition in the gallery.  Breath is an exhibition of his most recent paintings and collages. The title refers to his position as an artist in today’s world, where everything is fluctuating, all is in constant flux.  His only refuge is thinking, this unstoppable and unnoticeable act, that for him is as essential as breath itself. He found a new means of communicating his new understanding in the medium of collage. Through the process of building layers over layers, Pushnitsky found a right instrument to react to parallel realities, collage became his allegory of survival in a world where the antitheses is announced immediately after the thesis is declared.

Vitaly Pushnitsky was born in 1967, in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, where he still lives and works.  He’s been exhibiting extensively around the world, and his works can be found in some of the most important museums and private collections.

Opening: 2020. 01. 16. at 6 PM

Onview: 01. 17 - 02. 15. 2020
+36 1 201 3740

Szerda-Péntek 12:00 - 18:00
